Body Odor Treatment - What Causes Body Odor?

Body odor is caused by a number of different things. The number one cause is anaerobic bacteria. This happens when your body is lacking in oxygen and the bacteria are able to multiply in high numbers. Unlike what most people think, body odor, bacteria is not caused by sweat alone. A healthy individual will have very little body odor, even when sweating or doing high impact sports or activities.

Metabolic problems can also be the cause of strong body odors. This is what happens to boys and girls during puberty, but can essentially happen to anyone at any point in life. Hormones that are going haywire are more likely to cause bad body odor. This can obviously be a problem for individuals sensitive about their smell and how they see themselves.

Body toxins are also a major cause of body odor problems. Dietary problems can actually cause your body to smell more than usual. If you have a poor diet this may lead to a vitamin deficiency as well as difficulty using the bathroom. Most people don’t realize that these are primary causes of the body producing excess odors. Therefore, those with an animal food based diet are more likely to have higher body odors than those with a healthier diet.

Large amounts of eggs and other animal by-products often contain sulfur and other things that your body will consider toxins. This converts to bacteria which is then excreted in the form of a foul smelling body odor. It is no doubt embarrassing and hard to deal with odors like that, so avoid those things as often as possible to see if you notice any changes. It can take a few weeks to see changes in body odor so give it time.

Serious health complications can also lead to body odors, especially from major sweat glands. Kidney disease, liver disease, fungal infections, and high amounts of sugar in the diet all lead to copious amounts of excess toxins in the body. Of course, the toxins have to go somewhere and they often end up being excreted through the sweat glands in the form of a strong odor.

While there are tons of causes of body odor there are a number of ways to treat it. If you make some lifestyle changes you are more likely to eliminate those odors and start smelling fresh and clean on a regular basis. These include taking regular showers, exercising and eating healthy and using deodorant when necessary.

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